Sole speakers of ancient language found in Dagestan

Makhachkala, August 22, 2017. "Dagestan scientists have identified a group of speakers of the ancient language of Kurmanji during the recent linguistic expedition to the southern region of the republic. According to the department of lexicology and lexicography of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after Gamzatov, 900 residents of the village of Verkhny Dzhalgan never knew what language they speak. The old-timers explained the origin of their dialect by kinship with Persian, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Agul and other languages. However, the researchers suggested the Kurdish roots of the local speech.

- One of the villagers was offered to translate the poem of Gulbika Omarova from Russian into his native language, the expedition members said. - The resulting translation was sent to Moscow, to the specialist in the Kurdish language. The specialist confirmed that the translation is directly related to one of the Kurdish languages. Coherently - Kurmanji.

Therefore, the residents of Verkhny Dzhalgan are for the present time the sole speakers of this rare language in Dagestan.

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