RUB 36.5 million to be allocated to provide barrier-free environment for children with disabilities in Daghestan in 2014

Makhachkala, September 17 /RIA "Dagestan"/  36.514 million roubles will be allocated in Daghestan in 2014 to provide a barrier-free environment for children with disabilities as part of the Russian state program "Barrier-free environment" for 2011-2015, a source in the Daghestan ministry of education and science told RIA "Dagestan".

They are 25,560 million roubles from the federal budget and 10,954 million roubles from the republican budget to create a network of basic educational organizations with conveniences in place for inclusive education of children with disabilities. E.g., they plan to reconstruct rooms in 5 educational institutions in order to create a universal barrier-free environment for inclusive education of children with disabilities and provide them with special, even educational, rehabilitation equipment.

In Daghestan, there are no facilities or groups for children with severe speech disorders and autistic children yet, but there are special correctional educational institutions for deaf, hearing-impaired, visually impaired, late-onset deaf, late-onset blind, and mentally retarded children in Makhachkala, Derbent, Kaspiysk, Izberbash, and Karabudakhkent, Magaramkent, and Khasaviurt regions.

In some educational institutions in Makhachkala and Buinaksk, there are specialized classes for students with disabilities. In the Republican Center for Social and Labour Adaptation and Occupational Guidance, there is also a kindergarten for children with disabilities.

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