Moscow experts give free workshop for businessmen in Makhachkala

Makhachkala, September 22 /RIA "Dagestan"/ September 23, 10 am, experts from Moscow will start a free workshop for businessmen in the ‘Plug & Play Dagestan’ business incubator occupying the old building of the Daghestan State Technical University in Makhachkala.

Experts from leading Russian companies like ‘1C-Bitrix’, ‘RU-CENTER’, ‘CPCR Express’, the Daghestani ‘Color-IT’ company with support of ‘Plug & Play Dagestan’ will be speaking about how to launch an online store without being sued, what to pay attention to when building a website, how to speed up the site download 224 times, how to reduce customer attrition by 80%, how to turn delivery costs into profits, how to save money and time when opening an online store, etc.

Participation is free, but seats are limited, so be sure to get registered at

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