Manuscripts restoration laboratory opens in Dagestan

Makhachkala, May 18, 2017. The restoration laboratory has been established in the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The laboratory experts will restore manuscripts from the institute's funds and the most valuable specimens from private and public collections of the republic, the DSC chairman Murtazali Gajiyev said.

Murtazali Gajiyev in particular noted that the laboratory is provided with modern equipment donated to the DSC RAS by the non-profit organization Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). "Al Majid Center also bears costs for the specialists’ preparation program in Dubai (UAE). The work of the laboratory is financed by the Charity Foundation for the Promotion of Cultural, Educational and Social Projects "Peri" (Moscow, Russia)". Gajiyev expressed hope that in the future the laboratory could become an educational center for training of restorers from all regions of the North- Caucasian Federal District".

500 manuscripts have already been prepared for restoration. With the help of equipment installed in the laboratory, it is also planned to digitize 50,000 eastern manuscripts stored both in the institute's archives and in private collections.

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