Project to support teachers of foreign languages launched in Dagestan

Makhachkala, May 31, 2018. The project to support teachers of foreign languages will be launched in the republic, the deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan Ummapazil Omarova told at the thematic press conference.

"We need more 240 teachers of English. In 2022, the graduates of Dagestan schools will have to pass a compulsory Uniform State Exam in foreign language. What will we say to our poor children? We must provide them with educators" - Omarova pointed out.

In Omarova’s opinion, the project is aimed at providing additional support to teachers of foreign languages who work in rural schools, where there is the biggest shortage of such teachers. The minister named Kizlyar and Tarumovsky districts as the municipalities with the poorest situation. The detailed list of municipalities will be posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan.

"We will either pay teachers additional 15,000 rubles a month, or we will give out a certain sum at a time. Such a contract with teachers will run for three years. Some heads of districts proposed additional monetary incentive from municipalities in the amount of 20 thousand rubles to stimulate teachers" - the deputy prime minister said.

Ummapazil Omarova added that the necessary funds in the republican budget have already been allocated.

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