Festival of contemporary scientific cinema takes place in Dagestan for first time

Makhachkala, October 13, 2015. Festival of contemporary scientific cinema FCSC for the first time will be held today, October 13, at the conference hall of the Dagestan State University of National Economy, the press service of the Club of intellectual games "Hidalgo" reports.

The FCSC in the universities is an educational project implemented with support of the Russian federation Ministry of Education and Science. The project is designed to introduce modern scientific movie to the viewers to arouse their interest in science, and perhaps, to inspire their own research work.

114 universities and other educational and cultural institutions from 63 cities have been sel ected to participate in the project. Fr om October to December 2015, the project participants across the country will be completely free to show documentaries about science to everyone. The students themselves are expected to organize the Days of scientific films in their universities: they collect audience themselves to show a movie and do invite experts for discussions.

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