Dagestan submits 42 applications for presidential grants

Makhachkala, March 18, 2019. The republic of Dagestan submitted 42 applications for presidential grants in 2019. The charity foundation "Hope" claims for the largest amount of grants. Next comes the “Dagestan Federation of Parachuting” non-governmental organization, the Charity Foundation “Blagosfera” and others.

The social services, social support and protection of citizens, the preservation of historical memory, support for youth projects, strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony, public health protection, the healthy lifestyles promotion, the projects in the field of science, education, education, family support, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood are the most popular grant directions among the contest participants.

In the direction "Identification and support of young talents in the field of culture and art", "Development of public diplomacy and support of compatriots" there were no projects presented. Noteworthy, the results of the competition will be announced and published till June 1. Recall last year Dagestan submitted 117 applications for presidential grants, of which only 9 were approved.

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