Dagestan sends 120 tons of humanitarian aid to Donbass

Makhachkala, April 14, 2015. A humanitarian convoy was sent to the Donetsk People's Republic today at the northern entrance to Makhachkala. 5 heavy vehicles were loaded with a variety of building materials including 2,000 square meters of glass, 15 tons of cement, as well as gas stoves, medical supplies, food, clothing and many more items.

Dagestan Head’s commissioner Alibek Aliev is in charge of the motorcade which will deliver 120 tons of cargo to Donetsk. The official noted that was the first time the humanitarian assistance had been sent to the Donetsk People's Republic on behalf of the whole North Caucasus Federal District regions including Dagestan.

"The humanitarian aid was not allotted from the republican budget. The entire cargo was provided by factories, businessmen, common farmers, and individuals," Aliev added.

First deputy Dagestan Prime Minister Anatoly Karibov said the motorcade will be joined by all North Caucasus Federal District regions. "A year ago, Dagestan was one of the first regions to come out with an initiative to help the brotherly people of Crimea and successfully implemented the idea. Tomorrow, humanitarian convoys from all NCFD regions will meet in Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol region, to continue their way to Donetsk in a single motorcade," Karibov commented.

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