Dagestan Cardiology Center plans to expand high-tech medical care

Makhachkala, February 10, 2015. Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery plans to expand high-tech medical care they provide – in 2015, they plan to conduct at least 360 high-tech operations, the center's director Osman Makhachev said in an interview with RIA Dagestan.

"This year, we have applied for 300 high-tech operations to be paid from the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, while in 2014 we made only 250, plus 60 operations to be paid from the republican budget. Totally, in 2014, the center provided 328 high-tech surgeries.

"We have started to conduct high-tech operations. In January, 15 patients with coronary artery disease were operated in the center (coronary stenting). Also, in January, 2015, we made 8 more high-tech operations of implanting a single-chamber frequency-adapted pacemaker,"- O. Makhachev enlarged.

Currently, they perform endovascular surgery. To go over to a higher category surgery with using a heart-lung machine, they need to reconstruct and re-equip the operation unit as well as the intensive care unit.

"We have earmarked funds from the budget, so if we do this job, we hopefully will be able to start performing operations with extracorporeal circulation,"- the center’s director was proud to say.

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