Blood donation action to be held in Makhachkala

Makhachkala, June 7, 2020. The Republican Youth Center of the republican Ministry of Youth Affairs will hold a blood donation event dedicated to World Blood Donor Day.

The action will take place from June 8 to 11, as well as on June 15. One can donate blood at the Republican Blood Transfusion Center. The reception time is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those wishing to become a participant in the action are recommended to refuse the use of contraindicated foods: fatty, fried, spicy and smoked, sausages, as well as meat, fish and dairy products, eggs and butter, nuts and dates, avocados, beets and bananas on the eve and on the day of delivery.

Those who come to the blood transfusion center must have a passport with them.

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