Awareness rising campaign "We need peaceful Dagestan" underway

Makhachkala, December 12, 2014. The public awareness campaign "We need peaceful Dagestan" launched in Makhachkala this September is still underway in municipalities. Activists in Derbent, Kizlyar, Chirkei, and some other municipalities keep on posting stickers on car windows and hand in ribbons of Dagestani tricolor.

The campaign implies street actions involving youth activists that are timed to the 10th anniversary of the Beslan tragedy. The event is organized by Dagestan ministry of press and information and the public association "Information Society Development Institute".

Participants say they would like to draw public attention to preserving peace in the republic and prevent further tragedies in the North Caucasus: "The situation in Dagestan is improving, but we must keep in mind that our native land’s welfare is dependent on what we do. It is important we think about the lessons of the past".

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