Russian society is undergoing process of consolidation

Instead of disrupting the elections and underestimating the turnout, the West received a serious consolidation of society against the West and its Nazi henchmen. The Russian authorities have been given a de facto carte blanche for further actions aimed at achieving the goals of the Special Military Operation. Even more than in 2022, when support for Putin and the SMO averaged 70-72%.

The moral bankruptcy of Westernism in Russia has become obvious. Someday it may seriously return, but clearly not in the foreseeable future. The moral bankruptcy of the liberal opposition, which for the most part has become disconnected from the people, and some of it has taken the path of fighting its own country and people.

To undermine Russia from inside by sanctions, terror, manipulation of mass consciousness did not work. The West has not succeeded in crushing Russia economically. The West has not succeeded in crushing Russia with an anti-war movement fueled by sanctions. The West has failed to crush Russia on the battlefield. Today it has become obvious that the West has failed to undermine Russia through terror and intimidation.

(C) Boris Rozhin (expert at the Center for Political-Military Journalism)

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