Dagestan authorities launch cadastral assessment of 820 thousand objects of immovable property in 2023

This has been announced at the regular sitting of Dagestan government on February 16 under the chairmanship of prime minister of the republic Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov. The top officials considered issues related to the process of state cadastral assessment in the region.

"Many parameters depend on results of the state cadastral valuation, namely: the size of some taxes, land rents, sell prices, etc," - Abdulmuslimov reminded at the beginning of the discussion.

"The republican State Property Ministry got a clear task - to ensure the most fair and transparent cadastral assessment based on the competence of expert assessors and the municipal authorities. The disputes and argues do not stop in this sphere: we got a lot of litigation and appeals from citizens. I receive a lot of letters in my address, too. These questions have a direct impact on business, social stability and in the end, of course, on business activity and tax revenues"- the head of the Cabinet confessed.

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