Representatives of Caucasus take part in X International roundtable in Minsk

Makhachkala, September 9, 2016. The members of Caucasian Writers' Club: social activist Kerimkhan Umakhanov from Dagestan and poet, translator from Chechnya Adam Akhmatukayev attended the X International roundtable "Sozvuchie: Skaryna’s words in the modern world". The event was held in the capital of Belarus - Minsk and was devoted to the Belarusian Written Language Day.

The International round table took place in the National Library of the Republic of Belarus and brought together writers and literary critics from 14 countries: Azerbaijan, Britain, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Russia, Serbia, China, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The intellectuals discussed a number of issues related to such topics as "The book in the era of information technologies", "The book as a special historical and cultural monument", "The printing and communication: History and Modernity".

The writers, representing different countries, shared their achievements and exchanged experiences with the colleagues.The writers from the Chechen Republic and Dagestan spoke about the peculiarities of the Caucasian literatures, and the possibility of self-realization. All the writers were unanimous in the opinion that the word should be the instrument of good, progress and prosperity of nations. Minsk has long been a platform for meetings of writers who treasure every word, as a means of bringing together people, helping to live in peace and harmony.

The creative competition of young readers has become a key event of the Belarusian Written Language Day. Belarusian literature representatives Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich, Kondrat Krapiva inspired the young participants for their bright performances. A graduate from Petrikov Vladimir Bulava read a poem written by the national poet of Caucasus Salikh Gurtuev. Adam Akhmatukayev presented volume of poetry with a commemorative inscription to the Belarusian.

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