Economic foundation of civil society in modern Daghestan to be discussed in Makhachkala

Makhachkala, September 3, 2014. On September 30, the Gamzatov National Library will host the conference "Economic foundation of building and developing civil society in modern Daghestan", a source in the ministry of economic development informed RIA "Dagestan". The conference is part of the state program "Building and developing civil society in modern Daghestan in 2014-2017".

The event will bring together public authorities, scientific experts (doctors and candidates of science, professors, students, and post-graduates), representatives of civil society institutions and universities. There will be several sections: state’s functions in building civil society, challenges in developing civil society in Daghestan, building a free market economy, developing private property as a fundamental institution of developing civil society, etc.

You can apply for participation by sending until 15 September an application to the Organizing Committee Please, attach your notes for speech (1 page or less). For details, call: +7 (8722) 68-01-35, 68-20-15.

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