Dagestan needs 7 billion rubles for garbage processing

Makhachkala, June 8, 2017. Earlier, the republican authorities claimed that none of the garbage dumps in the region met the sanitary and environmental standards.

Approx. 7 billion rubles of investments should be attracted for the full utilization and processing of solid household wastes in Dagestan. This was announced during the press conference by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic Nabyulya Karachaev. According to Karachaev, the territory of the region is conditionally divided into six sectors, each of which has its own scheme for handling wastes. It is planned to announce tenders for the provision of services for the disposal and processing of solid waste within 15 years. The operators, who win the tenders, will have to build landfills, to acquire special equipment and to create an appropriate infrastructure.

In 2014, Karachayev noted the complete absence of the authorized landfills that would meet sanitary and environmental requirements in Dagestan. The minister pointed out that the landfills with biological, chemical and medical waste was a special environmental threat to the population. Cattle are grazed in these dumps, and the disposal of solid waste is fulfilled by burning only. According to the minister, that time there were found 1.2 thousand unauthorized dumps in the region.

In March 2017 the Ministry of Natural Resources of Dagestan demanded to impose a fine on the administration of the city of Derbent for the depressing state of the city landfill. The reaction of the authorities followed after the residents of the surrounding villages of Khazar and Nizhny Rukel complained about the corrosive and harmful smoke of the burnt waste brought to them by the wind.

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