Dagestan authorities check readiness of children's camps for summer season

Makhachkala, May 23, 2017. The Minister of Tourism and Folk Art of Dagestan Rabiyat Zakavova inspected the readiness of the children's health-educational camp "Termenlik" to receive children for summer season.

For present, the campus can accommodate 150 children under 14 years in two buildings. Over the past few months, the camp's employees have carried out repairs on their own premises, office buildings and a canteen. The had also recreated walking areas, 2 football fields, basketball and volleyball courts.

During the inspection of the premises the department head Rabiyat Zakavova was convinced that all the rooms for children are equipped with a bathroom and electric hot-water appliances. On each floor there is a buffet for children with disabilities. The remaining meals will be given in the typical dining room.

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