Teachers’ advanced training courses to be reformed in Dagestan

Makhachkala, April 12, 2018. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan intends to completely reconsider the format of courses of the teachers’ advanced training  courses aimed at the development and certification of pedagogical personnel taking into account the federal regulatory and legal framework requirements.

The goal of the reform is to update the competencies of pedagogical staff in general education, to create mechanisms for motivating teachers and to improve the quality of work and continuous professional development.

According to the source, it is necessary to improve the work of the two leading republican institutions as well as to change the approaches to the organization of their activities. Thus, Dagestan Educational Development Institute will reorient its work in connection with the introduction of the National System of Teachers’ Advanced Training System and the new requests for the regional system of additional vocational education. In 2018, Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy named after A. Taho-Godi will create the educational and methodological platform for the implementation of the supplementary vocational training  in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards.

The ministry official reminded that in 2018 for the first time in Dagestan, the professional competition among the subject teachers in 12 directions was held. It was conducted to assess the subject knowledge and methodological competence of teachers and their preparedness in using modern technology teaching aids.

Besides, for the second year already, the project "Electronic School" is being implemented for all schools, teachers and students in the republic. As part of the project last year, 14 online lessons and 14 master classes were conducted. The training courses are conducted by winners of the republican stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year " and the Association of interactive education of the region.

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