Russia 1 TV channel to broadcast report dedicated to preparations for celebration of 2000th anniversary of Derbent

Makhachkala, August 28, 2015. The special correspondent of RTR Dmitry Kaystro has praised the preparation for the celebration of 2000th anniversary of the city of Derbent.

The camera crew worked on the museum-reserve "Narin Kala" during the two-hour historical and theatrical show prepared by the best representatives of the traditional culture of Dagestan. They showed a bright performance about Dagestan multiethnic art.

The video and photo shooting took place in the museum complex “House of Peter I”. The exposition dedicated to the person of Peter I, the history of the Persian Campaign and the land armed force of the Russian Empire, including the history of Derbent garrison 1722-1735 period took place within the framework of the commemorative events.

Let us remind Russia 1 TV channel will broadcast the report dedicated to the preparations for the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Derbent on August 30.

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