Dagestan supports All-Russian action on prevention of iodine deficiency diseases “Salt + Iod to save IQ”

Makhachkala, May 30, 2019.  Within the framework of the All-Russian action on prevention of iodine deficiency diseases “Salt + Iod to save IQ”, the Republican Diagnostic Center has organized an open day. The administration of the medical institution deployed a mobile consultative unit in the lobby, where everyone could get advisory assistance from the endocrinologists. For their part, the medical volunteers and clinical residents of Dagestan State Medical University distributed preventive instructions on the issues of iodine deficiency diseases.

The main goal of the action is to tell about the prevention of iodine-deficient diseases, to draw the attention of citizens to the need for a balanced use of iodized salt and iodine-rich foods.

“Iodine is an essential element. It affects the processes of growth, development and overall tone; the full development of the sex glands, the formation of various brain functions responsible for the intellect, and many other functions of our body. The iodine deficiency leads to the development of pathology of the thyroid gland and mental disorders of varying severity. Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for the intellectual development of children” – the experts said.

The average consumption of iodine by residents of Russia is 3 times less than the established norm and is only 40-80 mcg per day (for comparison, in Japan the average iodine consumption is 800 mcg per day). Noteworthy, the All-Russian action on the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases “Salt + Iod to save IQ” is taking place for the fourth time. It is organized by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NMITS Endocrinology”, the Russian Association of Endocrinologists and the Volunteers-Medics All-Russian Public Movement.

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