“Entrepreneurship Factory” launches regional program in Dagestan

Makhachkala, November 14, 2018. The federal project for training start-ups and the acting entrepreneurs “Entrepreneurship Factory” launches a regional program in Dagestan. The executives of top local companies as well as the educators from the regional higher schools will help entrepreneurs to acquire skills in market analysis, risk management, financial planning and PR.

If the ordinary projects provide a 2-3% success rate then the “Entrepreneurship Factory”gives an opportunity to obtain revenue from the very start-up.

According to the results of the first All-Russian competition “Best Mentoring Practices”, Entrepreneurship Factory won in the category “Mentoring in Business and Entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneurship Factory was founded four years ago by Kazan University and the Ministry of Economy of Tatarstan. The project has since grown. The Start Factory aims at those who start from scratch under the guidance by experienced businesspersons.

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