Dagestan to host exhibition-fair of agricultural tourism

Makhachkala, October 7, 2019. The potential of agrarian tourism in Dagestan will be demonstrated within the framework of the 1st republican exhibition-fair "Agro Tour 2019", which will be held in Kazbekovsky municipal district on October 19. The representatives of rural (agrarian) tourism objects, tour operators, craftsmen will take part in the event.

The Agro Tour 2019 exhibition-fair is held in order to popularize the tourism potential and rural (agrarian) tourist products of Dagestan, to familiarize the tour operators and the public with the possibilities of rural (agrarian) tourism of the republic. The event will be held at Glavryba peasant farm and will include such thematic sections as tourism and leisure, agriculture, processing, fish and food industries, services and services, entrepreneurship and crafts, gastrotourism.

The cooperation agreements are expected to be concluded among the tour operators and rural tourism facilities as part of the business program, meetings and negotiations.

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