Dagestan to host 8th International Interreligious Youth Forum

The VIII International Interreligious Youth Forum on Countering the Ideology of Terrorism will be held in Dagestan on September 26 - October 3. The event will take place in the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Republican Children's Health and Education Center of Year-Round Operation" in the village of Ullubiyaul, Karabudakhkentsky municipal district.

The forum will be attended by state and public figures, the representatives of the scientific and expert community, theologians from the regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries (Syria, Egypt, Belarus, etc.), as well as about 200 young people aged 14 to 35 from Russia and neighboring countries.

“The program of the forum includes events aimed at obtaining young people with the necessary competencies in the field of preventing and countering the ideology of terrorism, as well as meetings with famous political, religious, sports and public figures, thematic, seminars and round tables, sports competitions, events, trainings , intellectual games and much more” - the organizers say.

A conference dedicated to the international experience of preventing and countering the ideology of terrorism will become the key event of the forum. The forum is held within the framework of the state program "Comprehensive program of countering the ideology of terrorism in the Republic of Dagestan". The organizers are the Ministry for National Policy and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, the Muftiat of the Republic of Dagestan, the Makhachkala Diocese and the Central Organizations of the Jewish Communities of Dagestan.

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