Daghestan ministry of trade consider training specialists engaged in "Nergiz Daghestan" JSC project


Makhachkala, July 24, 2014. Daghestan ministry of trade, investment and entrepreneurship considered training specialists engaged in the "Nergiz Daghestan" JSC project on establishing a full-cycle textile production in Tube village, Kumtorkalinskiy district.

Deputy minister of trade Maksud Mussayev informed that the textile enterprise is going to produce 500 kinds of products sought-after in both domestic and international markets.

"As we know, the investment project implies employing 4,293. We need to specify the number of experts to be involved in the project, how many of them are going to be later full-time employed, and how they are going to be trained. So, we have to create an educational center as part of the project or sign a contract with a Russian college," said the deputy minister. Environmental impact should also be considered.

Following the meeting, participants decided to make a list of qualifications, prepare the curriculum and the timetable for the training, determine the level of production’s environment impact, and propose ideas on calculating and recycling emission in line with environmental standards of the Russian Federation.

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