Teacher from Dagestan becomes laureate of International Contest "Facets of Pedagogy"

Makhachkala, February 25, 2018. The teacher of the Humanitarian Pedagogical College of Makhachkala Saida Sheykhova became a laureate of the International Contest "Facets of Pedagogy", the College press officer says.

The competition was held in two formats: full-time and remote. The participants were required to pass test tasks, the results of which determined the best teachers. Saida Sheykhova scored 100 points and was awarded with the winner’s Diploma "Facets of Pedagogy".

According to Sheykhova, the participation in such competitions is a good opportunity to consolidate the theoretical base of one’s knowledge. "The educational activity, first of all, bases on the theoretical foundations of pedagogical thought" she stressed.
Noteworthy, the competition "Facets of Pedagogy" is organized by the All-Russian educational journal "Pedagogical development" and is aimed at identifying, supporting and encouraging talented pedagogical workers.

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