Round table on medical and social assistance to patients with Thalassemia to be held in Dagestan

Makhachkala, January 20, 2019. A round table on the problems of medical and social assistance to the patients with Thalassemia and the other rare diseases will be held on January 31 in Makhachkala, the organizers of the event say. The representatives of the republican Public Health Ministry , the Territorial Body of Roszdravnadzor (federal service for surveillance in healthcar) across the republic, the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise across the republic, the medical specialists involved in treating patients with rare diseases, as well as their patients, will take part in the round table discussion.

The experts will focus on the ways to solve the problems of medical and social assistance to patients with the rare Thalassemia disease in the Republic of Dagestan as well as to provide a wide range of audiences with information on the rare diseases. The roundtable participants are also expected to expand cooperation of patients with rare diseases with the public organizations and benefactors for additional sponsorship assistance. The event will be organized by the All-Russian Society of Rare (Orphan) Diseases and the Republican Medical Genetic Center of the Public Health Ministry RD.

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