Leading specialists from St. Petersburg visit Perinatal Center "Mama Patimat"

Makhachkala, March 28, 2018. The day before, the medical specialists fr om the federal clinic arrived in Makhachkala. Alexander Lee, the head physician of the intensive care unit at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University clinic and Olga Soroka, the deputy head physician for work with paramedical personnel got familiarized with the work of the Perinatal Center "Mama Patimat" .  

The doctors fr om St. Petersburg took interest in the department of radiation and magnetic resonance diagnostics, wh ere women and children are examined. The y examined the operation unit, an emergency room and other facilities. The guests highlighted the priority goal of their visit - the optimization of service of the neonatal care.

"The colleagues from Makhachkala center successfully nurse kids with extremely low body weight. They render medical assistance even to the weakest ones, whose weight does not exceed 500 grams. This pleases us. The work of the center is set at the highest and modern level" - Alexander Lee said.

The smallest patient, nursed by the Center personnel is a girl who weighed only 450 grams at birth. The child was immediately placed in a kuvez, wh ere the conditions are the same as in the mom’s womb - the constant temperature regime and humidity. The baby was connected to the device of artificial ventilation, as she could not breathe on her own. They fed her with breast milk with a stomach probe. The child’s weight increased to 2,522 grams in 2.5 months.

Recall, the Republican Perinatal Center "Mama Patimat" designed for 150 beds opened its doors on June 1 last year. It was built as part of the program for the development of perinatal centers, developed by the Ministry of Public Health of Russia, and is one of the largest institutions of this type in the North Caucasian Federal District. Women with severe obstetric pathologies are sent to the center from all over Dagestan.

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