Korean doctors render free medical assistance for residents of Dagestan

Makhachkala, January 30, 2017. A team of 35 doctors from South Korea arrived in Dagestan to provide free medical care. The volunteers left for one of the mid mountainous regions (Kurakhsky) of the republic. The three thousand people living in the municipality may take advantage of the free medical assistance.

The deputy dean of the Faculty of History of Dagestan State Pedagogical University, the member of Makhachkala City Council Khabib Aliyev managed to organize the visit of doctors to the republic during their New Year's holiday.

The brigade delivered their own complete set of required equipment along with the medicines. According to the plans, the Korean doctors carry out preventive examinations in the settlements of Ikra, Mollakent and Kabir as well as in the local kindergartens.

Noteworthy, earlier, the doctors from South Korea visited Khunzansky, Gunibsky and Laksky districts and the biggest cities of Dagestan.

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