Instagram users mention "Dagestan" more than 5 million times in publications

Makhachkala, June 5, 2018. The number of hash tags with the name of the republic in Instagram publications exceeded 5 million. Such data brings the statistical resource of the web application.
According to statistics, the tag (mention in Instagram) #Dagestan in the publications was added about 5 million 140 thousand times. This figure has been achieved in the last 8 years.

It was in 2011 that the social network introduced the function of adding hash tags.

The publications mainly contain news content. Besides, a significant part of photos and videos covers sporting events. The posts on religious are also popular. The main part of Instagram posts with #dagestan tag contains information about the region, publications of bloggers and tourists, personal photos of users, nature, historical photos and information notes, as well as advertising posts.

Note that the tag # Makhachkala among users of the social network is more popular. So, for 8 years the capital of the republic in publications mentioned 6 million 157 thousand times. The most popular in Russia is hashtag # Moscow - more than 60 million mentions.

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