Daghestani representatives participate in “Connected TV & Digital Media” International Forum

Makhachkala, March 11, 2014. The 4th “Connected TV & Digital Media” International Forum is taking place in Moscow now. Daghestan Minister of Press and Information Aznaur Adzhiev is a participant to the forum. You can watch his report on "Tools for Developing the Inter-regional Ecosystem of New and Traditional Media" at http://www.connectedtv-forum.com/dokladchiki1/online_translyaciya/ at 12:15 pm.

RIA "Daghestan" also participates in the forum. The agency plans to make applications for Smart TV platforms compatible with Samsung and LG electronics standards and specifications.

Soon, RIA "Daghestan" will start up a few innovative products in the test mode in its page. The products will use 3D video technology and a number of other new technologies aimed at improving the content proposed to the readers.

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