Dagestan midwives take lecture in methods of saving premature babies

Makhachkala, March 31, 2019. A seminar on methods of saving premature babies with distress syndrome has been held in the Republican Perinatal Center, the press service of the institution informs. During the seminar, Dmitry Prometny, the head of the children's intensive care unit in one of the hospitals in Moscow region, told Dagestan midwives about the new methods of saving babies.

“The use of modern nursing and treatment technologies contributes to the reduction of infant mortality and disability of premature babies with this syndrome. To stabilize the state of the child, surfactant is invasively injected, it is the lack or change of properties of the surfactant that leads to the disease. It is a surfactant that provides the elasticity and firmness of the lungs. It lines the inside of the surface of alveoli - the respiratory “bags”, through the walls of which the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place. With a lack of surfactant, the alveoli collapse and the respiratory surface of the lungs decreases” - Prometny noted.

The lecturer also pointed out that fetal distress, which arises, according to WHO, in about 20% of cases of the total number of pregnancies is the fetal response to a decrease in the oxygen concentration in the blood. During the workshop, the specialist also noted that fetal distress syndrome can be caused by genetic diseases and congenital lung developmental abnormalities.

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