Children of Russia photo exhibition kicks off in Makhachkala

Makhachkala, September 18, 2015. The photo exhibition "Children of Russia" has opened today, September 18, in the House of Friendship in Makhachkala. The exhibition is the authorly project of the Guild of ethnic journalism, whose representatives arrived in Dagestan on a press tour.

The exhibition consists of the photos of children in traditional costumes typical to many of the peoples of Russia. Among the authors of the works, there are designers, journalists, professional photographers and the employees of educational institutions.

According to the chairperson of the Guild of ethnic journalism Margarita Lange, the photographs remind us of the variety of cultures and peoples living in Russia, which constitute its wealth.

"We are very glad that the exhibition arrived in your republic, - Lange confessed in a commentary. - It was a success in 12 regions of the country. Why have we started this project? It is often said that the inter-ethnic themes bring only problems, conflicts and it is better to be away from it all. But, in fact, we do not agree with this statement.

We tried to convey the idea that we are all different and perfectly nice in the photo exhibition. We set out to show the continuity of generations, the variety of cultures of the peoples of Russia by means of traditional costumes, as well as to generate interest in the revival of folk culture in the family, which is important for normal society. "

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