Official Representation of Syrian Kurds opens in Moscow

The Representation of Syrian (West) Kurdistan has opened February 10 in Moscow. It will defend the interests of the Kurds, who live in Russia and Syria despite the fact that many of them are not the citizens of the SAR.

According to the Special Representative of the Syrian region in Europe and the United States Sename Muhammad, this is a historical event for the Kurdish people and the peoples of the West Kurdistan. "This became possible thanks to the hard struggle of Kurds in Syria. We hope that the Representation will voice the expectations of the region residents" - she said.

Muhammad also expressed hope that similar representations would open worldwide over time. "The mission of the Syrian Kurdistan in Russia offers to perform two main tasks: the first one is to pursue the interests of the region (Syrian Kurdistan) in the process of interaction with Russian politicians, diplomats and public figures. The second task is to protect the interests of the Kurds in Syria and Russia, as well as to assist in solving the most pressing of their problems".

According to the representative of the Syrian Kurdish party "Democratic Union" in Moscow Abd Salam Muhammad Ali, the office will serve as a link between Russia and the Kurdish people and will enable successful development of bilateral relations.

However, according to the Guardian, the opening of the official representation of Syrian Kurdistan in Moscow may aggravate relations with Ankara. As to newspaper’s observer, the support of Kurds by the Russian Federation and the United States drives the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan into a corner.

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