Almost RUR 20 billion to be spent on road paving in Dagestan

Makhachkala, January 12, 2018. Dagestan authorities have approved the Republican road construction program designed for 2018 - 2020. In total, it is provided to allocate 19.7 billion rubles. Annually a certain amount of funds will be spent for the road construction activity. As a result, in three years more than 330 kilometers of new roads are expected to appear in Dagestan.

- The share of high-grade roads is only 0.3%. One third of the roads require reconstruction, 40% need to be repaired. More than 60% of the local roads in the mountainous part of the republic are in almost dilapidated condition” – Dagestan Road Agency official told in a conversation with the RIA "Dagestan" reporter.

It is known that in 2018 it is planned to spend 6.5 billion rubles for roads maintenance in the republic. The next year, the funds will be the same - 6.4 billion rubles. Another 6.8 billion is allocated in 2020.

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