Dagestan develops interactive map of agricultural lands

An interactive map of agricultural lands has been developed in Dagestan as a digital platform for support systems of the agro-industrial complex. As noted, the system has been worked out by the Ministry for Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Dagestan jointly with the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food following a government session on the strategic development of the republican agro-industrial complex.

During the recent session, the map was presented to the Head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov by the Acting Minister for Land and Property Relations RD Zaur Eminov.

“This is a lively product that will serve as a visual aid for municipalities, where it will be possible to see what lands are available, in what condition they are, how they are used and which ones are occupied or vacant. We will try to ensure transparency in the provision of public municipal services. We are at the beginning of our work and by the end of this year we plan to complete the project on the lands that are in republican ownership. We need only relevant information from each municipality” - Eminov said.

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