Exhibition of works by Dagestani artists opens in Scientific Library of Dagestan State University

Makhachkala, March 16, 2018. The official opening of exhibition of paintings by Dagestan artists Ibrahim Khalil Supyanov, Seyfulla Amaev and Murad Khalilov took place March 15 in the Scientific Library of Dagestan State University.
As to DSU press service officer, the opening ceremony took place within the framework of the series of meetings with artists "The eyes are not enough, we need thought."

According to the event organizer Farida Israpova, the teacher of the Far Eastern State University, the works by Ibrahim Khalil Supyanov and Murad Khalilov tend to poetry. Seyfulla Amayev’s works differ by musical motifs. "Indeed, we can find hidden meaning in any picture. Sometimes for a complete understanding of the artist's work, even the deepest view may not be enough. You can always draw a parallel between painting and other arts" - Israpova confessed.

The meeting was attended by the authors of the works. Seyfull Amayev and Murad Khalilov told the young art lovers about their creations, shared the subtleties of the artist's work. "The ideas for paintings are born from one to other, sometimes from one direction I can go in the opposite one. By the way, the painting in a certain style is boring, I prefer diversity, that's why my works are so different" Seyfull Amayev said.

The exhibition with free access is held in the conference hall of the Scientific Library of University and will last until April 2.

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