Young engineer from Dagestan awarded for ecology preservation project

Makhachkala, July 9, 2017. Tagir Mirzekhanov became the winner in the nomination "Rational use of natural resources". The solemn awarding ceremony of laureates of the youth awards in the field of ecology and biodiversity-2017 has taken place recently within the framework of the Caspian Youth Forum "Magistral-2017" in Makhachkala, the governmental press service officer informs.

The prize had been established by the "Center for Nature of the Caucasus" with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. It is encouraging, that a Daghestani, the leading engineer of the technical department of Gazprom transgaz Makhachkala JSC Tagir Mirzekhanov, who won in the nomination "Rational use of natural resources" was among the winners of the prestigious award.

It should be noted that Mirzekhanov's project provides for the comprehensive development of small deposits of natural gas through the use of small-capacity plants for the production of liquefied gas.

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