Dagestan minister of youth affairs meets with new staff of Council of Young Scientists and Experts

Makhachkala, May 28, 2015. Yesterday, Dagestan minister of youth affairs Zaur Kurbanov met with the new members of the Dagestan Council of Young Scientists and Experts, a source in the ministry told RIA Dagestan.

"Science and progress are relevant to all spheres of life, so we need to pay attention to them and give good minds opportunities for development and improvement. It’s a fledgling council, so it is critical today to hear all opinions to finally define priority areas of the ministry’s work," Kurbanov commented.
Participants discussed development trends and future activities of the council. As a result, participants agreed they needed to create a database of young scientists and scientific works.

There were ideas to create a center of innovative creativity, hold contests and round tables, and provide grants to scientists. They also supported the idea of holding a traditional innovation convention – an exemplary platform to showcase the latest achievements by Dagestani experts.

It was noted that among young people, it’s not very prestigious to study science. That is why it is necessary to cover the scientific life of the republic in media as much as possible.

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