Strategic Development Council to determine future of Dagestan

Makhachkala, July 19, 2016. Dagestan authorities intend to establish a special Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects. The new body will develop a concept for the future of the republic.

"For the effective implementation of structural reforms in the economy and operational issues related to the administrative barriers, as well as to support the implementation of the most significant projects in the public administration system, it is necessary to actively introduce effective methods of project management. One such mechanism is the creation of the Strategic Development Council and the Priority Projects.

The Council will be responsible for the review of conceptual foundations of the priority projects in key areas of strategic development programs in the republic, the analysis of practice of implementation of priority projects and programs, the analysis of best practices during the implementation of priority projects, the targeted project management and other questions.

The establishment of the Council will increase the efficiency of interaction among the local and federal authorities. The Council establishers are going to bring experts, entrepreneurs and civil society activists to the solution of various issues. The Council will become a center for the development of project work and the search for solutions of conceptual issues as well as the most urgent, pressing and complicated tasks aimed at accelerating economic growth and improving the quality of life and welfare of citizens- the first deputy Minister for Economy and Regional Development of Dagestan Sakinat Kallaeva concluded.

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